6 October 2019 @ 11:00 am

ActiveAGE Festival

A day of free physical activity tasters – offering people aged 50 or older chances to sample a wide choice of ways to improve their health and wellbeing, including come and try sessions of walking sports, Nordic Walking, Tai Chi, Chair Aerobics and Zumba Gold.

In addition, Gloucestershire Football Association will be launching its new Over 70s Walking Football League and inviting visitors to watch the players in action.

ActiveAGE Festival for over 50s is being delivered via a partnership between the University of Bristol and the University of the West of England, facilitated by Active Ageing Bristol. The event is part of Bristol’s Celebrating Age Festival 2019, which opens on October 1st – the international day of older people – and runs throughout the month. Celebrating Age Festival is coordinated by Age UK Bristol with Bristol Ageing Better. Active Ageing Bristol is a collaboration between Bristol Sport Foundation, The Anchor Society and St Monica Trust.

For any enquiries please email Beth Lewis on bl15807@bristol.ac.uk or visit www.activeageingbristol.co.uk

Event details

Fitness, Outdoors, Dance, Sport



St Monica Trust



Silver Sunday