7 October 2018 @ 2:00 pm

Elders’ Circle: Exploring a new vision for Elderhood

Please join us for an Elder’s Circle taking place at the beautiful 70-acre Hazel Hill Wood retreat centre. Hosted by Natural Happiness writer Alan Heeks – author of new book ‘Not Fade Away: staying happy when you’re over 64!’ – this event invites elders to share their experiences and insights around how to grow older happily and healthily.

Alan’s book Not Fade Away explores the potential for a new form of eldership. As Alan explains: “In tribal societies, the elder’s role was typically to guide the tribe in a crisis, dream dreams, envision the future and mentor the young. My vision for a useful contemporary form of elderhood is to see it as an invitation to connect with the mature wisdom in yourself, and choose your own vision for elderhood that brings out the best of the unique qualities you have to offer. In the Circle we’ll be looking at what elderhood means for each of us, and how you can best move into it.”

The Elder’s Circle is part of a wider ‘Multi-Generational Conservation Weekend’ happening at Hazel Hill Wood, 5-7 October (Friday 7pm- Sunday 4pm). Alan Heeks, who founded the 70-acre woodland 30 years ago to help people grow their resilience and wellbeing, supported by nature, says:

“Conservation weekends at Hazel Hill are always great fun – they’re a fantastic way to help care for this magical woodland, learn about its ecology and wildlife, and enjoy good food and company. We’re delighted to be celebrating and involving older people at this next one commemorating Silver Sunday, who are invited to join us, whether individually or with their adult children or grandchildren.”

Anyone aged 50 or over can participate in the Elders’ Circle on Sunday afternoon and others of any age are welcome to listen and observe. The Circle, free of charge for all, is also open to people who haven’t participated in the conservation weekend.

Event details

Outdoors, Tea/Coffee, Relaxation, Education


Hazel Hill Wood


Silver Sunday