Take part in hands-on creative workshops exploring our art exhibitions. Experiment with sculpture, drawing and collage, fabric and words. Come along to meet new people, develop your creative skills and learn new ones.
Suitable for all abilities. Exploring courses are open to all aged 16+ but specifically tailored for people aged 65 and over.
Refreshments provided.
Tue: 16 Apr, 23 Apr, 30 Apr, and 7 May, 10am-1pm
Nottingham Contemporary | Weekday Cross, Nottingham NG1 2GB Near the Lace Market tram stop.
Each session £15 | Full course £45. A limited number of half prices rates available for first timers. Book one session or come along to all four.
To book visit our website www.nottinghamcontemporary.org or call Natelle 0115 948 9750