8 October 2018 @ 6:00 pm

Gresham College Lectures: No Listening, No Music: Why Listening Matters

Tom Service, Gresham Professor of Music

What does it mean to listen to music? How might the concepts and practices of ‘listening’ and ‘music-making’ have first emerged in the story of human development?

We journey back in time, to the origins of human society – in the company of research like Steven Mithin’s book The Singing Neanderthals – and to the origins of our hearing, to the mechanisms of how our bodies and auditory systems are designed to receive and interpret sound waves. Our music and our listening have been in a symbiotic round-dance ever since.

No reservations are required for this lecture. It will be run on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.
Doors will open 30 minutes before the start of the lecture. 

Event details




Gresham College


Silver Sunday