3 October 2017 @ 10:00 am

Health Fair

Good health is about the mind as well as the body – feeling physically fit, and feeling good about ourselves, means that we can go and achieve more of the things we want to do in life.
Staying in good health is important to all of us, and can become particularly important in later years. The Health Fair provides offers an opportunity to find out what is on offer in Hammersmith and Fulham.

There will be information and advice for anyone:

• Trying to lose weight or give up smoking
• Wanting to take up gentle exercise
• Confused by assistive technology
• Interested in improving the health and wellbeing

The Health Fair will have health care providers, community groups, local organizations, businesses and services from across the borough for a jam-packed day of entertainment, information, workshops, and tips on healthy aging, keeping active, keeping mobile and independent, eating well, and emotional well-being.

Event details

Fitness, Lunch


Age UK Hammersmith and Fulham


Silver Sunday