6 October 2019 @ 1:00 pm

Oasis Academy Sheppey Community Cafe

Oasis Academy Isle of Sheppey have been running a dementia café for seven years. We do up to twelve a year in school and eight Sunday lunches a year in Rumour Café Sheerness.

The Sunday lunches are for the whole community but the target is lonely people. This links with our dementia work. We also do other outreach work in care homes and for the NHS. So over the year we do lots of cafes in and out of school and it is all free to our guests as we raise all the funding ourselves.

In 2018 we became National Dementia Youth Champions and in 2019 we appeared on Songs of Praise in January in ‘Love Thy Neighbour’. We also were granted the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust Award and met the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. ‘They are not alone – because they have us to talk to’ – is an article about our students work published in the TES. Our work can be Googled under Oasis Academy Isle of Sheppey Dementia Café.

Event details




Oasis Academy Isle of Sheppey


Silver Sunday