29 September 2017 @ 10:00 am

Older People’s Day – Drop-in Event

Working in partnership with Solicitors for Older People Scotland, our free drop-in event will be held on Friday 29th September, 10am – 2pm at the Archibald Russell Centre, Denny.

Older People’s Day and Silver Sunday are part of a national celebration of older people’s achievements and contributions to our society and economy, working to challenge stereotypes and promote positive attitudes to ageing.

There will be an exhibition hall with stalls from organisations who offer support, services and information for older people, their families and carers in the Falkirk area.

Stallholders on the day will include Outside the Box, Strathcarron Hospice, Police Scotland, and Trading Standards.

The Active and Independent Living Improvement Programme (AILIP) will also be talking about the Take the Balance Challenge, while For Eyes opticians will be there on the day to offer FREE glasses tightening to attendees.

The Stroke Association are returning for their second year to do blood pressure checks on the day.

The theme 2017 is “Stepping into the Future: Tapping the Talents, Contributions and Participation of Older Persons in Society.”

For further information, contact Laura Jamieson:

Event details

Afternoon tea, Education



CVS Falkirk


Silver Sunday