1 October 2017 @ 2:00 pm

Silver Sunday Tea Party

We are going to be hosting a Tea Party specifically with Silver Sunday in mind and shall be providing an opportunity for people, who are usually isolated due to their situation and therefore are largely elderly, to meet new people and take part in something social, which they usually do not get the chance to do.

Whether it is because of location, disability, health, or a lack of family and friends, our tea party will be an excellent social occasion for them to go along to, as all of our guests will be in the same or a similar position, which makes getting to know each other a less daunting experience.

Entertainment-wise there will be activities on the tables to do for the duration of the event such as quizzes, games, and there will even be a small prize for the quiz winner! There’ll be tasty refreshments provided by Bitterne URC’s star caterer (she has top catering skills and will not disappoint, we can assure you!). On top of this we may even have a guest entertainer to add into the mix!

Ultimately we want to make sure that our attendees have the best time that we can possibly give and show them how valued they are by us. We’ll also hope to be hearing about their life stories and learn about the amazing impact that they have undoubtedly had and continue to have on our society.

Event details

Afternoon tea


Communicare in Southampton


Silver Sunday