Tuesday 8th October, 2-4pm, visit the Science Museum for light refreshments and a ‘Creativity’ themed event celebrating Silver Sunday and National Poetry Day where we will be sharing winning entries from our current open competition: Science Museum Group Poetry Competition: https://blog.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/join-us-in-celebrating-national-poetry-day/
The event is free to join, you can book a free museum admission ticket from the Science Museum website. Please register your interest or reach out for further information by contacting: SCMcommunity@sciencemuseum.ac.uk
8 October 2024 @ 2:00 pm
Silver Tuesday at the Science Museum, London
Event details
Science Museum, LondonScience Museum, Exhibition Road, London
The event is free to join, you can book a free museum admission ticket from the Science Museum website. Please register your interest or reach out for further information by contacting: SCMcommunity@sciencemuseum.ac.uk
Science Museum Community Partnerships