7 October 2018 @ 1:00 pm

Sing a long Silver Sunday

Sing-a-long Silver Sunday – a special event for Hackney’s over 50’s: Sunday 7th October, 1pm – 4pm: Hackney Town Hall – Assembly Rooms

Sunday 7th October is Silver Sunday and events will be taking place across the UK to celebrate older people.

We are inviting Hackney’s over 50’s to join us for a sing-a-long event at Hackney Town Hall.

There will be a performance by the Hackney Empire Community Choir and plenty of opportunity for everyone to join in and sing a mix of songs together. The event is free to Hackney residents aged over 50 (tickets are available for carers of any age) and there will also be refreshments, goodie bags and a raffle.

Please share this event with your colleagues, organisation working with older people and older people who may be interested in attending the event.

To book tickets, contact Eda on 020 8356 3591 or email If you are an organisation working with older people, you are also welcome to book group tickets.

The event is being held in partnership with Connect Hackney, Ageing Better. For further information about Connect Hackney, please visit their website at

Warm Regards,

Councillor Clare Potter
Speaker of Hackney

Event details

Lunch, Music, Tea/Coffee, Dance


Hackney Council


Silver Sunday