Tell a story from your past using an object as a vehicle and prompt or pathway
Learners are invited to bring in an object such as a piece of clothing, an ornament, a special tool/ instrument, a toy an old photograph. They will use the object as a starting point to talk about an event or time in their history. Perhaps about where they grew up, how they got to London or significant experience in their life.
This project is about connecting with others, valuing our past experiences and the experiences of others. It is so important to share our stories and the joys and the struggles of our human lives.
Because we are living in a pandemic it is more important than ever to find ways of connecting with others and valuing each other as unique individuals. By listening to or sharing our stories we can connect with common human experiences of love, joy and excitement as well as sadness, struggle and fear.
We will invite 6 learners to WAES Amberley Centre as a pilot run for the main event to take place later in the year
We will create a guiding list of 3-6 questions to help create a structure to the storytelling but these are meant purely as a guideline
The pilot will be facilitated by the WAES Community and Cultural Learning department who will also be the listening partners to the storytellers but thereafter the listening partner will be a younger members of the community perhaps a friend or relative of the storyteller.
Covid-19 Health and Safety – A note on teaching and learning during the pandemic:
– All equipment will be sanitised before and after the sessions with the learners
– We will closely follow the bespoke risk assessment and guidelines.
– Breaks will take place outdoors whenever possible