20 September 2023

Whitewashing a wall and gardening for Park Grove’s wildlife area

Welcome to GoodGym York üôå

üèÉ‚Äç‚ôÄÔ∏èüèÉWe’re a friendly and social group who combine exercise with helping out in the local community. Every Monday evening we meet to get active and do a physical task to help the charities or community organisations in our city. You can see what else we’ve got on during the rest of the week [here] (

TONIGHT 🌱 We’re helping Park Grove School with their wildlife area tonight, whitewashing a wall and doing some gardening.

THE TASK ⚠️ Don’t forget your gardening gloves 🧤

WHERE WE MEET üéí We meet at the Priory Street Centre and our usual room is the Foxwood Room. As you approach the front of the Centre, turn right and go to the car park area. The room we use is locked whilst we’re out so you can leave your bits and bobs in there.

üö≤There is cycle parking as you approach the Centre and a 10 bay pay and display car park is available behind the nursery block, to the left as you approach front of the Centre. In addition, on street parking is available on Priory Street.

RUNNING AND WALKING WITH US üëèGoodGym is for everyone. We welcome runners of all abilities and if the task is close enough we have a walking group too.

üëçWe always have a back-marker too so nobody will get left behind – no matter what your pace is.

POST-RUN SOCIAL üçªWe normally head to The Ackhorne Pub on St Martin’s Lane after our run for a spot of liquid refreshment and a good chat.

Event details




GoodGym is over 18s. Please sign up through the GoodGym website before attending

Silver Sunday