21 September 2024 @ 10:00 am

York 50+ Festival 2024

2024 sees the 19th Festival organised by YOPA – the York Older People’s Assembly. It will take place across the city of York for 2 weeks between Saturday 21 September and Sunday 6 October. We will share events and skills, enjoy meeting each other, provide tasters of new activities, and aim to contribute to the wellbeing of older people.

We’re also providing special activities to highlight the UN’s International Day of Older People on 1 October, which we’re celebrating in York with a programme of events and celebration between 24 September and 2 October focusing on the ‘Memories and Dreams’ of older people.

Every year we produce a programme for the Festival which includes a wide range of events and activities to inform, excite, and introduce people to new ideas, interests, occupations, and pastimes.

This year we have over 120 events in our programme. These include all kinds of walks – for fitness, history, or just to chat and stroll. We’ll learn about saving energy and using online and digital information. We’ll find out more about York through talks and presentations. We’ll enjoy musical events, films, guided tours, dancing of all sorts, and a wide variety of sports and fitness activities.

Groups and organisations are offering their one-off events, tasters, or regular activities to be included in our programme. As well as putting information online on the 50+ Festival page on YOPA’s website, we’ve printed thousands of copies of the programme brochure for distribution in and around York. They’re available in all kinds of places – from libraries and community centres to shops and cafés. Contact or ring 01904 332613 if you want to know more.

Event details

Education, Fitness, Technology, Art, Craft, History, Theatre, Outdoors, Music, Tea/Coffee, Senior Activities, Film, Swimming Sessions, Dance, Relaxation, Sport



Mary Cannon, Co-ordinator, for York Older People's Assembly (YOPA)
01904 332613 or 07920 162034


Many events and activities are free, while some are paid. It varies according to the event. Almost all are in person. The programme brochure is available as a download or in hard copy, and provides details of all events and how to book them. It can be found with other information, and can be downloaded from

Silver Sunday