
Chinese Cultural Extravaganza

Charity Sales! Please come if you like to own a piece of Chinese culture.

Musical TaiChi (video)
Listening Hands Film, musician Joseph Young conducts his China Sounds – field recordings from Guangdong province – with his custom designed sonic baton to accompany TaiChi movement.

14:15-14:30, 15:15-15:30 Chinese Martial Arts Demonstration
Chinese martial arts, often named under the umbrella terms “kung fu” or “kuoshu” are several hundred fighting styles that have developed over the centuries in China.

14:00-16:00 Calligraphy
Calligraphy is a visual art related to writing. It is the design and execution of lettering with a broad-tipped instrument, brush, or other writing instrument. A contemporary calligraphic practice can be defined as “the art of giving form to signs in an expressive, harmonious, and skilful manner”.

Silver Sunday