Exploring China

The following 5 videos will be played via ZOOM meeting from Monday 25th to Friday 29th at 10:00 am every morning respectively. Please log into ZOOM through the following links on time to explore the fascinating sights and sounds, and life and aroma in China.

ZOOM Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83506280184?pwd=Y1pVSzZtNDdoc1lpalN5ZGl4Ulc4QT09

Meeting Number:835 0628 0184 Password:893482

If you have any problem in joining the meeting, you can also watch the video live on our Facebook account;

1. 25 October 2021, Monday 10:00
The New Stories of Zhejiang-Part One
The documentary features the walking journey in China of Lord Bates and his wife Xuelin.

2.26 October 2021, Tuesday 10:00
The New Stories of Zhejiang-Part Two
The documentary features the walking journey in China of Lord Bates and his wife Xuelin.

3 . 27 October 2021, Wednesday 10:00
The New Stories of Zhejiang-Part Three
The documentary features the walking journey in China of Lord Bates and his wife Xuelin.

4. 28 October 2021, Thursday 10:00
What’s Cooking in China

5. 29 October 2021, Friday 10:00
A Primer of Beijing Opera


Silver Sunday