
Silver Sunday 2019: Some Happy Memories

Once again, Silver Sunday 2019 was our biggest year to date with over 1,200 events and activities all around the UK including a strong coverage across Scotland and expansion in Wales. This wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible dedication of over 100 organisations from around the UK reaching well over 50,000 older people and creating tens of thousands of new connections.

Even more spectacular was the incredible imagination and creativity on display. Bupa’s ‘Mad Hatter’s Tea Parties’ caught the imagination of their staff and followers on social media as well as pre- and post-event local media coverage. RCH brought Silver Sunday to life through six different themed events, much photographed and enjoyed and HC-One’s ‘Harvest Festivals’ were bountiful and heart-warming for all involved. OpenAge recreated the annual favourite ‘Dance-A-Thon’ for 5 fabulous hours of Bollywood, salsa, ballet and line-dancing proving yet again that older age is no barrier to life on the dance floor. We were thrilled to have so many #DancingMayorsofSilverSunday including an impressive dance with the elegant Silver Swans from the Royal Academy of Dance and hope to see many Mayors continue this theme in the years to come.

We saw a significant increase in regional ‘hotspots’ including the creation of Silver Salisbury’ and full Silver Sunday programmes in RBKC, Westminster, Sevenoaks, Mid Sussex, Hampshire and Chiltern & South Bucks.

2019 saw many successful partnerships with youth groups. As well as the partnership with The Scouts in creating the new Silver Sunday Scout Badge, events this year featured Fire Cadets, Army Cadets, Air Cadets, Police Cadets, Beavers and many school children.

Silver Sunday is best enjoyed through the many photos and stories shared via our guests and event hosts themselves so do visit our Silver Sunday Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds @SilverSundayUK. We are always amazed by the variety of performances and activities on offer and can’t wait to see what community kindness and creativity is unleashed for 2020.

Silver Sunday