
We Are Hourglass – Silver Sunday!

We Are Hourglass is the national charity dedicated to stopping elder abuse. We have recently launched our IDVA ( Independent Domestic Violence Advisor ) Service across the South of England, we saw the Silver Sunday event and though it was a great opportunity to reach out to the local community to share our news, raise awareness and support those most vulnerable in some of the rural areas of Sussex.

Our event will be hosted on Sunday 2nd Oct at the Graylingwell Chapel, Chichester, West Sussex from 10am – 1pm

We will be teaming up with our partner organisations to bring you a day of fun, activities, work shops and 1-2-1’s with professionals in your area. Refreshments will be available from the cafe, parking on site. Please use the Just park app or call the number shown in the parking area to pay for your ticket. Entry to the event is free.

Silver Sunday